September 18, 2011

Something Different....

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, I did! It went by too quick! 

So I decided to try something a little different today and use some images that really struck home for me. Enjoy! And I MAY decide to tag on some bucket list items at the end.... 

And for the VERY beginning of my Bucket List (I have SO many things).... The Bold items in red have already been accomplished. This is just a very random order, starting from the beginning of my list. So here it goes:

Attend the Olympics
Go Up in a Hot Air Balloon
Finish a marathon without throwing up
Learn to Sew …. Like actually be able to make things, not just sewing broken buttons.
Skinny Dip
Cut a Demo tape at a recording studio
Press Flowers
Learn to play an instrument
Venture cross country on a Harley
Catch fireflies
Learn to Sail
Attend a Catholic Mass WILLINGLY
Swim with Dolphins

Wow, I didn't realize out of this bunch that I have accomplished so many. There is still so much left though! And I'm afraid, no matter how long I live, whether it be until next week or for 70 more years I don't think I will accomplish them all.... But that's the fun of it I suppose :) Will add some more later on :)
Leave some comments, or any Bucket List ideas! 

1 Comment:

Tanner said...

As saddening as it was to find out you've been having a battle with cancer for four years now, Stacy, it delights me to see that your lifespan quote of a few months has lasted four years! I'm very proud of you for pushing ahead, still having goals and dreams, and enjoying everything and everyone around you. And whether this time period is the first of many "hellos" I send to you, or (as tragic as it would be) amounts to the last I'd get to speak to you, I'm glad I had a chance to stop into your world and perhaps put another smile on your face!